March 2024
Greetings from a hot and dry Tekanda Lodge. We haven't had any proper rain since the first week of January. Our embryonic pepper and cinnamon empire is in danger of turning to dust. When the guests aren't around, I may be seen in the dusk-light dancing half-naked with peacock feathers in my hair imploring Mother Earth to grant us a good soaking. Which leads me swiftly on to the main topic of this month's newsletter - an attempt to address the enduring and complex question: 'When is the best time to visit?' We have created below what we think is a pretty creative visual guide but it comes with some important guide notes and caveats.
Tekanda's Non-scientific Seasonal Guide
(based upon our aggregated 'on the ground' experience of the last few years at Tekanda Lodge)
On the weather:
* Whether wet or dry - all year around it is tropically warm.
*Even in the wetter months, traditionally the mornings tend to be dry with the rain falling in the afternoon/evenings. Sustained rainfall is rare, and usually the result of a significant weather system sitting offshore and affecting the whole country and beyond.
*The north east of Sri Lanka has the inverse weather conditions to the south west (where we are). You can always plan a trip which takes in both seasonal zones and give yourself the best chance of good weather in one of them.
*In line with the rest of the world, weather patterns in Sri Lanka are changing significantly from established patterns.
On the Surf:
*There is always somewhere to surf on the south coast no matter what time of year you visit.
*The range of surfing options does dramatically drop off between June and October. On the whole, only Weligama Bay offers reliable options at this time. The water quality can be variable if there has been heavy rainfall inland.
* In the main surf season between October and May, all the reef breaks along the coast are working and the water is generally crystal clear.
The hugely successful Leap Midlife Adventure (middle picture) and LSA Fit (bottom two pictures) weeks
On the Vibe
* Ahangama's emergence as the chic cafe-culture centre of Sri Lanka means more and more restaurants and cafes are open all year round.
On the Price
*It's hard to overstate the economic bonus of heading to the southern province between May and November. We, in line with all other hotels in the region, discount by up to 50% from our peak season.
It is difficult to believe we are already seven months into our inaugural year at Tekanda Lodge. Our universally wonderful guests have ranged from solo travellers looking for a little time to think, to our 10 'midlifer ladies' looking for challenge and adventure. We have had young honeymooners and golden wedding anniversaries, old friends and new friends, family reunions and family holidays. We've hosted fitness, surf and yoga retreats and Tekanda Foundation volunteers and visitors; all in all, hundreds of special tropical days and nights during which Tekanda Lodge has hummed with happy sounds.
Peak weeks for the year ahead are already starting to be booked up, so if you are considering an exclusive use holiday December to March, it is best to register your interest now. Remember for most of the year you can book on a per room per night basis. We are delighted that following this year's successes, LSA Fit and the Leap Midlife Adventure are returning next year. Please contact Lucinda (LSA Fit) or Milly (The Leap) for further details.
As always, if you would like some general advice about itineraries or schedules, do not hesitate to get in contact
Wishing you all the best,
Richard and Charlie